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affwct3d五年前,纪尘‘意外’坠崖穿越。五百年后,他修成无上仙尊,归来时发现地球只过去五年,还多了一个……等等。这谁家孩子?怎么在叫我粑粑!看着眼前这个粉嘟嘟的小萝莉,纪尘一脸懵逼!(亲生的!!!)……“粑粑,我想要天上的星星。”“女儿,别说一颗星星,你看这一整片的星辰之海,都是爸爸给你打下的江山!”远在星空深处的万族天骄,纷纷来地球朝拜新女皇。长生逍遥仙,不敌奶爸最骄傲!人间四月天,不及孩子她妈……嫣然一笑!修炼归来,从无敌奶爸开始。“这一世,我只想安安静静,做个宠妻狂魔,护娃奶爸!嗯,别人望子成龙,我把女儿培养成女帝就好了。”——纪尘肖艾杨烁浮华逝梦全章王馨看到杨默的反应,心里叹息一声。乳首 オナニー看着热情激动的朱煊,杨羽发现对方的头发全白了,脸上的皱眉也爬满了面庞,现在就是笑起来也掩盖不住忧愁。
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His butt smells nice!21 sexturiesI've had your dick locked up in chastity for so long now that I've trained it not to get hard anymore. Dicks like yours don't please women, and they definitely can't please pussy at all. So I'm going to rewire you; I'm going to give you a purpose in life and turn you into my foot slave for my wrinkly soft soles. I'm going to unlock your tiny soft dick, and I'm going to tease and edge it with my feet, because you don't need pussy anymore; the only thing you need are my feet, and my feet will be your sex life.失常的反义词Jada makes a bet with her captor that she can get out of the ropes to win a prize. She is fully tied and is so confident she can get out of this that she continues to go forward. Her mouth gets stuffed with a pair of panties and there is a tegaderm put on top to keep it in.